About the Firm

Shatz, Schwartz and Fentin P.C. was founded in 1969 by former legal-services attorneys. The law firm is currently comprised of seventeen lawyers specializing in business planning, estate planning, commercial and tax-exempt bond financing, real estate development and permitting, litigation and bankruptcy.

We serve individuals and businesses ranging from closely held family enterprises―including both the owners and their families―to multinational companies in western New England and eastern New York State. Our practice areas include:

We understand the value of time and money. Therefore, while we can provide services for complex litigation, we actively pursue time-saving solutions that help our clients reduce their costs and maximize their future opportunities.

We also provide efficient, cost-effective legal counsel and advocacy services, frequently using innovative techniques such as grantor retained annuity trusts, intentionally defective grantor trusts, employee stock ownership plan buyouts and qualified personal residence trusts.

Our expertise in government-assisted housing programs and the advantages of those programs to our clients has been and remains a hallmark of the firm. Our familiarity and experience with regulatory matters relating to aging, real estate development, business purchases and charitable organizations have long been recognized in the communities we serve.

Although a major part of our practice focus is to provide service to the for-profit business community, the firm remains committed to providing access to similar services for not-for-profit agencies and underserved communities in our region. Each of our lawyers makes significant efforts on behalf of charitable and community-development activities where our business experience can make a difference.