Tax-exempt Bonds: Commercial Loans at Below-market Interest Rates

May 18, 2011News

For business owners and nonprofit managers, there is a way to finance your next capital project from your own bank, on the same terms you would obtain conventionally — but at a reduced interest rate.

For business owners and nonprofit managers, there is a way to finance your next capital project from your own bank, on the same terms you would obtain conventionally — but at a reduced interest rate.
The vehicle is a tax-exempt bond issued by the Mass. Development Finance Agency (“MassDevelopment”), a product that comes in several forms, including industrial revenue bonds (IRBs), bonds for nonprofit organizations (501c3 bonds), and bonds for other eligible entities.
But what is a tax-exempt bond? What do they cost? How do you get one? Who is eligible? Are they more trouble than they’re worth?  These are all commonly asked questions.

