Shatz, Schwartz and Fentin P.C. has devoted itself to counseling and representation of elders and of younger individuals with disabling illnesses and their families. Recognized as leaders in this field in Massachusetts, our Springfield elder law attorneys also work with family attorneys and other professional advisors on the complex issues facing these clients, and are frequent educators, lecturers and writers in this field.

Elder Law
In addition to addressing the estate planning and gift tax issues of concern to elder clients and those with disabilities, the firm provides assistance in the following areas:
- Conservatorship
- Planning with long term care insurance
- Planning that leverages a client’s assets to pay for long term care costs
- Asset preservation, including the residence, for individuals and families facing catastrophic illness
- Applications for government benefits for long term care
- Special needs planning, including drafting special needs trusts and irrevocable life insurance trusts
- Structuring personal injury settlements to preserve clients’ eligibility for federal and state benefits programs