The firm’s comprehensive estate planning practice is tailored to serve individuals in all circumstances and stages of life, including owners of closely held business enterprises and professionals. Shatz, Schwartz and Fentin P.C. estate planning attorneys are recognized leaders in the fields of estate planning, elder law and planning for individuals with disabilities. They have earned numerous awards and accolades as well as shared their knowledge with other practitioners through articles and continuing education seminars.

Estate Planning
A basic individual estate plan involves will preparation, as well as the establishment of durable power of attorney, health care proxy and living will. In addition to basic planning, Shatz, Schwartz and Fentin P.C. offers the following estate planning services:
- Estate and gift tax reduction. If your estate exceeds estate tax exemptions (federal or state) or federal gift tax exemptions, you may need to plan to avoid having your survivors pay transfer tax at your death. Tax planning may also be necessary if you have remarried or if you have special assets, such as a closely held business or property in another state.
- Special family matters. Our attorneys can draft trust provisions to accomplish your estate planning objectives while accommodating your particular family situation, such as having children from prior marriages or beneficiaries who are minors.
- Business owners. We employ a variety of approaches for business owners to transfer, sell or otherwise make graceful exits from their businesses. Our business-savvy estate planning attorneys employ cutting-edge strategies to accomplish your goals.
- Individuals with disabilities and long-term care needs. Our elder law attorneys are recognized throughout the state and nationally for their expertise in providing effective planning for elders and for individuals facing disabling illnesses. We focus on maximizing quality of life and independence with planning that enables the individual to leverage private assets with public benefits to pay for services not provided by public benefits programs.
- Retirement planning. Perhaps you would like to name an individual beneficiary of your retirement plan but have concerns about that person having full control over plan assets. Our experts will specially draft the appropriate trust, such as a marital deduction trust or see-through trust, to ensure your wishes are met.
- Charitable planning. If you have charitable interests, it may be advantageous for you to make your contributions through a charitable remainder trust or charitable lead trust, or with a remainder interest deed. Our estate planning attorneys will work with you to determine the best solution for your situation.